History of establishment
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SC "Condensate"
LLP TH "Nafta"
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History of establishment

INTEC-ONMR Limited Liability Partnership was formed by merging two companies: INTEC LLP (1997) and Oralneftemashremont LLP (1994). Date of registration is May 17, 2011.


Engineering company "INTEC" was established in 1998 with the aim of providing services in the field of design of objects in the oil and gas sector of the economy, environmental design, regulation and work in the field of environmental impact assessment, construction management, engineering services for the development of new engineering technology and production.

During the period of its activity, the company executed a number of large industrial and environmental projects as a general contractor independently and with the involvement of foreign and Kazakhstan companies for subcontracting.

The most significant completed and implemented projects for industrial and civil construction

  • construction of an office and hotel facility "KPO b.v. Pilot Camp" as a part of RENCO-INTEC Consortium;
  • Design and supply of steel structures together with the company RENCO spa for buildings of infrastructure facilities for the construction of the Karachaganak processing complex
  • Design and installation of demercaptanization unit of straight-run gas oil fraction at MTU-400 Condensate SC;

The most significant research and environmental projects:

  • Identification of waste management paths for the KPO b.v. Waste Disposal Complex on the Karachaganak field;
  • determination of the ecological capacity of the air basin in the area of the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field:
  • Appraisal of 10 projects on emission rating, operations monitoring, waste management for Kashagan field pilot production, for Agip KCO.

OralNefteMashRemont  LLP

The company was founded in July 1994 to provide services related to exploration and development of oil and gas fields.

Initially, it was a Kazakh-Romanian joint venture in the form of Ural-Upetrom-Service LTD LLP, whose founders were the state holding company Poisk, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the engineering plant of drilling equipment Upetrom S.A, Romania.

On January 8, 1997, the enterprise was reorganized into OralNefteMashRemont LLP.

The company provided drilling services to such companies as UralskNefteGazGeologia SC, KazBurGaz SC, UralOil &Gaz LLP, TechnoSeverNeft LLP, North Caspian Oil Development LLP, LLP with IUE Satbor and other companies

Over the years, OralNefteMashRemont LLP has been provided with works and services for Zhaikmunai LLP, which is developing the Chinarevskoye gas condensate field in the West Kazakhstan region.

Such reorganization had been carried out to improve the level and quality of engineering and maintenance services in Oil & Gas Industry including Oil & Gas field exploration and development.