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Status LLP

«Nadezhda» Weekly Newpaper

In 1991 a group of sole mates decided to create a newspaper to spotlight local and domestic social life in an interesting and professional way. The first issue of Nadezhda (Hope in Russian) paper came out on February 22, 1992. The newspaper soon became the most popular publication in our town. The editorial staff was headed by Yuri Bayev, a man of imagination and creativity.

While making the first issue, the editors asked the renowned poet Bulat Okujava for his blessing, and his words were published in the first Nadezhda issue.

This is what he said to the paper makers: “Nadezhda (Hope) is a wonderful word. It is owing to this feeling that mankind is improving and moving forward. But it should not be turned into a kind of fetish.  If it is made fetish one can lose heart, have the feel of total dependency, the man changes into a serf. Let hope help us stay the men in any circumstances”.

Since that time, the newspaper and its name is always associated with the poet’s name.

At the start, the newspaper was guided by Leo Tolstoy’s words:  "If people of an evil sort are linked together and make a force, people of honor should do the same." These wise words were quite topical at the time when the paper became not only a “collective organizer” but also a “collective agitator” and “collective promoter”.  The paper expressly revealed imperfections, spotlighted negative aspects of modern society but never taking an outsider view. Its pages accommodated conflicting opinions on various socially important events. The paper raised the most pressing issues and took bold moves in an assumed social position.

You never can tell that the past years were serene for the paper. It had to do with court proceedings, suspensions, staff turnovers. It had to change its office locations, number of pages, circulation, but one thing remained unchanged – its objectivity and aspiration to help people to find their way in life, to find points for their forces to exert.

The current editorial staff goes on with good traditions. The paper as before responds promptly to main topics of the day, follows current problems, and helps resolve them. The editorial office established an efficient feedback with its readership. The Feedback Column became very popular among our readers where they can share not only their opinions but also to get an answer directly from heads of regional institutions, departments and authorities on matters of interest.

People feel the effect of our paper. That’s why dozens of visitors address us about various vital matters.

To help people become more legally literate, since mid-2002 the editorial staff set up a public legal reception that provides advices free of charge. Dozen thousands of people came in over this time and took legal advice. Besides, all specific, commonly encountered legal issues that were positively resolved after application for advice are published in the newspaper.

The editorial office among many other actions initiated gathering clothes for low-income family children as well as books for those serving a sentence in a penal colony. After some newspaper articles were published the local governor’s office provided housing for the large fatherless family who suffered from fire... And such laudable actions are quite numerous.

On June 30, 2005 the editorial staff was awarded with a First President of Kazakhstan’s Grant handed over by Nursultan Nazarbayev himself. This award was granted for a number of articles dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory and featuring deeds of Kazakhstani people during the Great Patriotic War. The fact is that the editorial staff actively favored the idea of Valeriy Junussov, Condensate Group of Companies Chairman, jointly with consortium soul-mates. More than 100 consortium employees arranged search for war veterans whose contribution to the Victory was never narrated. Over 160 small feature stories with hero photos were published on special paper inserts named “Bringing this day as near as you could”. The paper publications helped war vets find their comrades-in-arms and fellow-countrymen that were given up for lost. The publication in republican press media about Nadezhda work elicited a storm of responses, not only locally but throughout the country. Besides, during 2005 jubilee year a lot of materials featuring participation of West Kazakhstan people in war and labor as well as current problems of veterans were published in the paper widely using unknown archive data. The paper still struggles for vet problems to resolve by local authorities. That’s why Nadezhda continued this noble action in 2006 by publishing over 100 stories under "How goes the world with you, vet?" heading about vet life under proactive support of consortium employees. These stories are still published and every year on Victory Day readers can read feature stories about veterans, former prisoners of fascist death camps, war workers. To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Victory, an event was announced in 2015 ant that is publication of readers’ letters and editorial materials under “The light of the Great Victory” heading. The paper received feedback from dozens of young and elderly readers. Thus, the book of history of the Great Patriotic War replenished with new pages.

In 2011 Kazakhstan Journalist Union awarded the paper with its Certificate for strong contribution to the development of Kazakhstan journalism on the threshold of 20th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is the only time that such an award was granted in the history of West Kazakhstan mass media. In 2015 the primary organization of Kazakhstan Journalist Union was established, and Dmitry Tereshchenko being a young and creative journalist was unanimously elected as its chairman.

And in 2016 Bulat Maulenberliyev, General Director of Status LLP and Editor-in-Chief of Nadezhda newspaper was granted with "Eren Enbegi Ushin" (For Distinguished Labor in Kazakh) State Award arranged to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

But the paper staff is not going to get satisfied with what has been attained. They plan to increase the circulation. And as always the newspaper will provide assistance to its readers, calling them to Believe in one’s own forces, to Work on under an up-to-date level, and to eventually Win. These very simple words now became the motto of the Condensate Group of Companies and determine the paper subject.

The paper is published once a week on Wednesdays with circulation of 4400 copies and over. It is distributed in Uralsk, other West Kazakhstan settlements as well as beyond it. Nadezhda also owns a web site enabling visitors from close and far abroad countries to read paper materials.

Moreover, the paper provides services such as:

Editor’s support for enterprise and company sites;

Preparing texts and news publication on company site;

Writing PR texts, participation in events and camera work;

Preparing articles for magazines and external information sites, interviews etc;

Updating site information using client-provided materials;

Publication, updating and processing of client-provided photo and video materials.