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Structure and management
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Structure and Management

Talap A. MUKHAMBETOV, has been appointed as General Director of the company since September 20, 2021, native of West Kazakhstan region, was born in 1979. On January 14, 2009, he was appointed Head of the Production and Technical Department at SC Aksaigaspromenergo. Has a higher education, in 2001, he graduated from West Kazakhstan Institute of Languages and Management «Eurasia» with a degree in Economics and Management. In 2013, he received a second higher education, graduating from West Kazakhstan Engineering and Humanities University with a degree in electric power engineering.

Since January 18, 2013, she has been appointed Chief Accountant of the company. Yelena A. KOROLYUK, native of West Kazakhstan region, was born in 1986.    In SC Aksaygazpromenergo she was accepted on August 1, 2007 as a payroll accountant. In 2007, she graduated from West Kazakhstan Institute of Languages and Management «Eurasia» with the qualification and academic degree of «Bachelor of Accounting and Audit». In 2012 she received the Certificate of Professional Accountant.


Askhat G. KUSHMANOV has been appointed as Technical Director of the company since October 1, 2021, native of West Kazakhstan region, was born in  1991. On September 22, 2014, he was hired as an electrician in SC Aksaigazpromenergo and on October 1, 2014, he was transferred to the head of the Commercial Accounting and Technical Balance Sheet service.  Has a higher education In 2013, he graduated from the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University with a Bachelor of Instrumentation degree.


The organizational structure of SC Aksaigaspromenergo is presented here.