History of establishment
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History of establishment

The history of "Condensate" Group of Companies begins in 1998. Due to rapid development of economy and oil-gas industry in the region, several enterprises decided to unite and create the group of companies. The goal of the union was to unite separate enterprises that specialize in industrial and consulting services for oil and gas industry.

The inspiration for this was SC "Condensate". This company was one of the first in Kazakhstan to put in production the technologically unique oil-gas refining plant in Karachaganak oil-gas field.

Newly founded companies, as well almost bankrupt enterprises founded in USSR, joined "Condensate" Group of Companies during hard times in Kazakhstan's economy.

The history of existing "Condensate" Group of Companies begins on January 25, 1999. On that date, representatives of several companies of West Kazakhstan region signed the founding agreement for the Board of Group of Companies.

While in operation, the union has developed and successfully achieved goals for the enterprise members and increased its membership base.

This union existed till January, 2002, when its member raised the question of creating a more effective, corporate, administrative and managing body. This union was supposed to form a single strategy for association's development, set common partner relations and define financial and management mechanisms of its development.

Realization of this idea was embodied in the general agreement on joint activities, signed by its members on January 9, 2002. The agreement defined the form of a new union: Consortium "Condensate" Group of Companies".

Consortium was formed by the following independent, equal in rights members:


SC Condensate

By the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the company was set up and registered on June 29, 1992. State-owned holding company "Kazakhgas", state-owned concern "Kaznefteprodukt", state-owned enterprise "Karachaganakgasprom", manufacturing association "Munai Onimderi" and a Dutch company "Hillah Consultants Ltd." – were the founders of the future company. read more


SC UralskNefteGazGeologiya

The Government of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic has decided in March, 1960 to create a consortium "Uralskneftegazrazvedka" for conducting oil and gas exploration in the Uralsk region. read more

Trading House Nafta

Trading House Nafta LLP

Last year, in 2008, Nafta Trading House LLP celebrated its 10th anniversary of its foundation. Quite a term for the company that through all these years of activity has obtained noticeable results on the services market of West Kazakhstan." read more


SC AksaiGazPromEnergo

AksaiGazPromEnergo JSC is one of the power industry agents in Burlinsky district of the West-Kazakhstan Region. History of the company's development goes hand in hand with the development history of Aksai and Karachaganak oil-gas-condensate field in the west of Kazakhstan. read more



Engineering of oil and gas as well as civil facilities, environmental engineering, construction management, engineering services in construction; oil and gas and drilling equipment repair and maintenance. read more

Batys Power

ТОО «Batys Power» (GTPP-200 URALSK)

Limited Liability Partnership "Batys Power" was formed in 2011, commissioning of the first start-up complex took place on March 31, 2016. read more


Status LLP

«Nadezhda» Weekly
In 1991, a group of like-minded people decided to create a new newspaper capable of professionally covering the public life of the city, region and country. read more