History of establishment
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SC "Condensate"
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History of establishment

In March 1960 Uralskneftegasrazvedka trust was established in Uralsk for geological-exploration works to carry out in West Kazakhstan region, and company specialists in mid-sixties organized search for oil and gas on 59 geological structures. During this period the main scope of geological-exploration works was on salt-dome structures resulted in discovering oil fields of Bolganmola, Chingiz, Beket, Kubasay with small geological reserves amounting to 130-230 thnd. tons and gas fields of Auketaychagyl, Port-Arthur, Karagay with reserves amounting to 130-300 mln cu.m. In 1969 gas condensate fountain emerged on Zapadno-Teplovakaya area. Later on 9 more oil&gas condensate and gas condensate fields were discovered on this marginal ledge.


Intensive labor of geologists exerted for searching for prospective areas was a success, and in 1979 a now world-known Karachaganak gas condensate field was discovered unique both in reserves and geological-mining structure. In 1987 our specialists discovered new oil productive pool in Middle Devonian rocks at the depth of over 6000 meters, and in 1991-1993 the company discovered Chinarevo OIl&Gas condensate field qualified as a large one in terms of recoverable reserves.

In 1998 Uralskneftegasgeologiya  JSC joined Condensate Group of Companies thus enabling it not only to resume drilling operations after the lengthy downtime but also to rise in developing oil&gas industry of our region, develop well directional drilling technology, renovate drilling equipment fleet.


Буровая № 22 пробурена  в 1999 г. на Чинаревском месторожденииКарта открытых месторождений

For over half a century history the number of wells drilled by the company reached 450 and more with metering totaling to over 1.4 mln meters, discovered 22 hydrocarbon fields among which Teplovo-Tokarevsko-Gremyachinskoye and Kamenskaya group of fields, Daryinskoye, Chingiz, Port-Arthur, Karachaganak and Chinarevo oil & gas condensate fields can be named. The deepest ever well in Asia – Dolinskaya, 7006 meters – was drilled in 1993, and in 2001 company specialists first ever in Kazakhstan used directional drilling during developing Chinarevo field.

Owing to hydrocarbon fields discovered by the company, West Kazakhstan region from an agrarian land turned into one the biggest Oil&Gas regions within the Republic of Kazakhstan.